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Calix is an Ephedian kingdom likely located in the colder regions of Ephedia. Carissa is the only known citizen of Calix.


The people of Calix are warriors, much like their princess, who share a love for battle while upholding dignity and honor. It is implied they frequently encounter Ephedian beasts and likely train to confront them. Based on Carissa's mention of the Calixian Snow Ape, it can be inferred that Calix lies in the northern, colder regions of Ephedia. Renowned for their expertise in battle strategy, the Calixians are highly skilled tacticians. The Calixians' attire is distinguished by shades of purple.


  • Calixian Snow Ape


  • Calix is the only known realm on Ephedia that ends with "-ix."
  • As Lyna noted in "Home Part I", Carissa have a strong preference for Beldonflower tea, a beverage that Carissa states smells like courage, honor, and victory. This could suggest that the beverage either originates from Calix or is particularly favored by Calixians.
  • It is implied the people of Calix perform battle cries, as Carissa performs one in "Musical Magical Tour".
  • In "Statue Game", Carissa references a sport called Ephedian Blitzball.