Lolirock Wiki
Lolirock Wiki
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A crystal on display at the museum

Crystal is a precious solid material and gemstone, that is frequently shown and referenced in LoliRock.


In science[]

Crystallization, the natural process of forming crystal rocks and other forms of solid, is started when molecules gather together to stabilize, causing a liquid to harden and form a crystal. Crystals are often found in caves or underground in the Earth's crust, but can be found in outer space too.


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A crystal attack created by Iris

In the show, Ephedians have Crystal Magic powers that are performed by casting spells. Evil Ephedians like Mephisto and Praxina, along with the Magical Princesses, have the magical ability to form crystals instantly out of thin air, for offensive, defensive and other purposes. Crystals can also be found in their Magical Objects and contain magic that helps the princesses transform in to their Magical Dress, and their weapons are also made of gemstone. On the planet Ephedia, crystal formations are naturally embedded into the rock formations, aquatic habitats and plants, so all of this suggests that Ephedia relies on crystals.



  • The word 'Crystal' is always said when performing spells.
    • However, evil spells don't have this feature, but still form crystals in magic.
  • The band LoliRock uses Crystal Magic in their concerts, but they claim it is the work of "special effects" to keep the secret.
  • Giant crystals are also found in the Battle Arena and the Ephedian Castle.