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Lost in the Shadows[1] is the twelfth episode of the second season of LoliRock.
The girls are opening for a singing duo named Quicksand Ferret, but the two members are feeling abandoned by each other.[2]
The princesses help the members of the band Quicksand Ferret, a band for whom they are the opening act. One of the members has disappeared, making them wonder… was it foul play? But it becomes apparent that the member (Sandy) is known for missing practice, and the Record Executive for the band is setting down the law: if Sandy misses another band event, he’s dropping their contract! The Princesses attempt to figure out why Sandy has disappeared. They find her sitting on the porch near a lake, and learn that she’s in love with her band mate, Felix, but as their band has gotten more successful, he’s become less interested in her… and she’s heartbroken. The Princesses plan a rendezvous for the two to talk things out, while stalling the Record Executive, who’s trying to find them. When the time arrives for their photo shoot and the pair hasn’t showed up, Talia and Auriana magically transform themselves to look like Felix and Sandy. Afterwards the princesses track down Felix and Sandy. But soon discover that Felix is being menaced by the Evil Twins and the Shadow Monster they created. The Princesses cast a light spell and dispel the darkness, then defeat the Twins, also managing to keep the band together!
Iris receives another Oracle Gem while riding the rollercoaster.
Major Events[]
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Spells Used[]
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Voice Cast[]
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Main article: Lost in the Shadows/Transcript.
Main article: Lost in the Shadows/Gallery.
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- Iris, Talia and Auriana wore their same outfits in Heavy Metal.
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- ↑ http://teamlolirock.tumblr.com/post/139780722918/lolirock-season-2-episode-ranks-3
- ↑ https://www.google.com/search?q=lolirock+lost+in+the+shadows&client=firefox-b-1-d&bih=919&biw=1920&hl=en&sxsrf=ALiCzsZsGnVvvRX1cItiPh9s7IEhVQfjLg%3A1670370288568&ei=8NOPY6SfIo-f5NoPzeGjkAU&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TK80NzM3LCgzYPSSycnPySzKT85WyMkvLlHIzFMoyUhVKM5ITMkvLwYAQw4PIw&oq=lolirock+lost&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAxgBMgsILhCABBDUAhDqBDIICC4QgAQQ1AIyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOgoIABBHENYEELADOgUIABCRAjoFCAAQgAQ6BQguEIAEOgUIIRCgAToECCMQJzoGCAAQFhAeOhYILhCABBDUAhDqBBDcBBDeBBDgBBgBOhYILhCABBDUAhDqBBDcBBDdBBDgBBgBSgQIQRgASgQIRhgBUPEDWNEWYOklaARwAXgAgAFXiAG8A5IBATaYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQHaAQYIARABGBQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp