The Snumple is a species of small animal, originating from Ephedia. A Snumple has it's first and only appearance in the episode Flower Power.
The Snumple appears to be a burrowing mammal-like creature, meaning it can dig tunnels and holes underground. It is small in size, and as mentioned by Auriana and Talia, isn't very agressive or dangerous but rather cute. Despite this, Snumples seem to be intelligent and sympathetic, as the Snumple that Praxina and Mephisto has brought to Earth to attack the Princesses soon feels bad for them and steals back Iris' Pendant for her.
Snumples have bright blue eyes and have fur all over their body, dark purple fur at their legs and back, white at their face and paws and light purple all around the rest. They have whiskers and black small noses on their short snouts, a bear-like tail and short legs, along with mole-like lavender claws. In it's evil form, the Snumple is much larger and has glowing green eyes, dark violet fur around where the light purple should be and paler dark violet where the while and dark fur should be. The claws are larger and dark blue, and it wears a giant gold collar with a green gem at the back, which Iris destorys with Crystempactus as a result of the Snumple going back to normal.